Publications in indexed scientific journals
1. P. Paradiso, R. Galante, L. Santos, A.P. Alves de Matos, R. Colaço, A.P. Serro, B. Saramago; Comparison of two hydrogel formulations for drug release in ophthalmic lenses, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials 102(6) (2014) 1170-1180. 10.1002/jbm.b.33099
2. Bergthóra S. Snorradóttir, Fjóla Jónsdóttir, Sven Th. Sigurdsson and Már Másson Numerical Modelling of Transdermal Delivery from Matrix Systems: Parametric Study and Experimental Validation with Silicone Matrices Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 103(8) (2014) 2366–2375.
3. P. Paradiso, L. Santos, V. Chu, A.P. Serro, R. Colaço, B. Saramago; Effect of plasma treatment on the performance of two drug-loaded hydrogel formulations for therapeutic contact lenses, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials 103(5) (2015) 1059-1068.
4. R. Galante, P. Paradiso, M.G. Moutinho, A.I. Fernandes, J.L. Mata, R. Colaço, B. Saramago, A.P. Serro; About the effect of eye blinking on drug release from pHEMA based hydrogels: an in vitro study, Journal of Biomaterials Science: Polymer Edition, 26(4) (2015) 235-251.
5. D. Silva, A. Fernandes, T. Nunes, R. Colaço, A.P. Serro; The effect of albumin and cholesterol on the biotribological behaviour of hydrogels for contact Lenses, Acta Biomaterialia 26 (2015) 184-194. 10.1016/j.actbio.2015.08.011
6. P. Paradiso, A.P. Serro, B. Saramago, R. Colaço, A. Chauhan; Controlled release of antibiotics from vitamin-E loaded silicone-hydrogel contact lenses, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 105(3) (2015) 1164-1172.
7. H.P. Filipe, J. Henriques, P. Reis, P.C. Silva, M.J. Quadrado, A.P. Serro; Contact lenses as drug controlled release systems. A narrative review, Revista Brasileira de Oftalmologia 75(3) (2016) 241-247.
8. P. Paradiso, R. Colaço, J.L.G. Mata, R. Krastev, B. Saramago, A.P. Serro; Drug release from liposome coated hydrogels for soft contact lenses: the blinking and temperature effect, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials (2016). DOI: 10.1002/jbm.b.33715.
9. A.F.R. Pimenta, A. Valente, J.M.C Pereira, J.C.F Pereira, H.P. Filipe, J.L.G. Mata, R. Colaço, B. Saramago, A.P. Serro; Simulation of the hydrodynamic conditions of the eye to better reproduce the drug release from hydrogel contact lenses: experiments and modeling, Drug Delivery and Translational Research 6(6) (2016) 755-762.
10. D. Silva, L.F.V. Pinto, D. Bozukova, L.F. Santos, A.P. Serro, B. Saramago; Chitosan/alginate based multilayers to control drug release from ophthalmic lens, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 147 (2016) 81–89.
11. R. Galante, C.F. Rediguieri, I.S. Kikuchi, P.A.S. Vasquez, R. Colaço, A.P. Serro, T.J.A. Pinto; About the sterilization of chitosan hydrogel nanoparticles, PLoS ONE 11(12) (2016) e0168862: 1-18.
12. A.F.R. Pimenta, J. Ascenso, J.C.S. Fernandes, R. Colaço, A.P. Serro, B. Saramago; Controlled drug release from hydrogels for contact lenses: drug partitioning and diffusion, International Journal of Pharmaceutics 515(1-2) (2016) 467-475.
13. A.F.R. Pimenta, A.P. Serro, P. Paradiso, B. Saramago, R. Colaco; Diffusion-based design of multi-layered ophthalmic lenses for controlled drug release; PLoS ONE 11(12) (2016) e0167728: 1-15.
14. Kristinn Gudnason, Svetlana Solodova, Mar Masson, Sven Th. Sigurdsson, Fjola Jonsdottir. Numerical Simulation of Franz Difusion Experiment: Application to Drug Loaded Soft Contact Lenses. Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology 38, (2017) 18–27
15. R. Galante, D Ghisleni, P. Paradiso, V.D. Alves, T.J.A. Pinto, R. Colaço, A.P. Serro; Sterilization of silicone-based hydrogels for biomedical application using ozone gas: comparison with conventional techniques, Materials Science Engineering C 78(1) (2017) 389-397.
16. Paula Vieira A, F R Pimenta A, Silva D, Helena Gil M, Alves P, Coimbra P, L G C Mata J, Bozukova D, Correia TR, Correia IJ, Paula Serro A, Jorge Guiomar A;
; Surface modification of an intraocular lens material by plasma-assisted grafting with 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA), for controlled release of moxifloxacin, Eur J Pharm Biopharm (2017) pii: S0939-6411(16)30923-7.
http://doi: 10.1016/j.ejpb.2017.08.006
17. A.F.R. Pimenta, A.P. Vieira, R. Colaço, B. Saramago, M.H. Gil, P. Coimbra, P. Alves, D. Bozukova, T.R. Correia, I.J. Correia, A.J. Guiomar, A.P. Serro; Controlled release of moxifloxacin from intraocular lenses modified by Ar plasma-assisted grafting with AMPS or SBMA: an in vitro study, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces (2017) 156:95-103.
doi: 10.1016/j.colsurfb.2017.04.060
Disclosure publications
1. P. Paradiso, A.P. Serro, B. Saramago, R. Colaço A. Chauhan; Controlled Release of Levofloxacin from Vitamin E Loaded Silicone-Hydrogel Contact Lenses. CRS Newsletter 33(1) (2016) 10-11.